Every month, the Bread Museum highlights an emblematic piece from its collection. The artistic objects, agricultural implements and historical documents reveal little-known details about the bread and cereal culture.

special of the month

Artistic objects, agricultural implements, and historical documents reveal
little-known details about the culture of bread and cereals.

magazine "gathering bread.
the british farmer at war".

February 2023

History takes us back to the harsh years of the Second World War, between 1939 and 1945. In England, with the disruption of sea trade by German U-boats, essential foodstuffs for the civilian population began to become scarce. To counter this trend, British farmers opened land considered uncultivated, created gardens in London’s gardens, and increased the production of livestock and grain.

The theme is dangerously current. At a time of war in Europe, grain production is once again a central concern of national governments. Yesterday as today, each country seeks to secure the essentials to maintain food sovereignty.

This magazine highlighted the Allies’ commitment to increasing cereal production, even during the war, to guarantee food for Europe, as a way of reassuring the population.

Come and discover this special, in the Political, Social and Religious Bread room.


Roman Coin

January 2023